Range Check-In

Checking in at an Indoor Range

Locate the check-in counter where you will sign up and pay for range rental time (this is usually sold in half hour increments).

At the counter, you can typically purchase targets, ammo, earplugs, and eye protection if you do not already have these items.

If you do not have your own gun (or want to try a model other than what you own), most ranges have guns you can rent. When you check in, you can make your selection and rent a gun to use at the range.

Many shooting ranges have copies of their rules at the counter and will require you to read them and sign a waiver that you understand and agree to abide by them.

Some ranges have a window where you can observe the actual range before entering. If this is your first time at the shooting range, you may want to take a few minutes to observe.

Checking in at an Outdoor Range

An outdoor range runs in about the same manner as an indoor range. Typically, you go inside a store or building to "check in" and buy your time or range pass. Then you proceed to the outdoor range itself.

At an outdoor range, you may have to walk a bit to get to the actual shooting range.


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